K’gari is home to a diverse array of native terrestrial and water fauna. It is not uncommon to see a dingo loping along the beach or a prehistoric looking lizard climbing one of the island's trees.
The diversity of the island's natural habitat supports a wide range of animals, many of which are at the northern or southern limit of their distribution or are considered to be rare or vulnerable.
Each animal has a place in nature's ecosystem, be it a predator or pollinator, soil enricher or seed carrier. Even the smallest animal can cause an environmental imbalance if disturbed and it is for this reason that we should do our best to respect and conserve the native fauna of K’gari.
There are 47 other species of mammals on K’gari, including the Swamp Wallaby, Small Eared Mountain Possum and the Sugar Glider.
More than 354 species of birds have been sighted on K’gari. The island has a wide range of habitats providing different food sources, nesting and breeding areas.
K’gari is home to 79 species of reptiles, including 19 kinds of snake. The most commonly seen reptiles are the Sand Monitor and the Lace Monitor. These large lizards are often seen lurking around picnic areas.
Dolphins, dugongs, turtles, rays, and - from July to November - migrating humpback whales, frequent island waters.
Rare frog species, such as the "acid" frogs which have adapted to survive in a difficult environment, can be seen and heard in the swamps.
Brumbies (wild horses) are descendants of Arab horses, which were being bred for the Indian Army and Clydesdales which were used in the logging industry. Horses first arrived on the island in 1879, but there are no longer any left.