Island Life

The rainforest within the historic heart of Fraser Island is home to soaring satinay trees, kauri pines, giant king ferns, glistening creeks, and resounds with…
The best way to explore and enjoy Fraser Island is on its walking tracks. Choose from short walks through rainforests, strolls around a lake or…
Wathumba Creek Mangroves - this area is one of Fraser's most impressive estuarine environments with a third of all Australian mangrove species found within this…

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There are hundreds of different species of plants on Fraser Island and following is some information on a number of edible, though not necessarily tasty,…

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Fraser Island has a wide variety of plant communities growing in sand and ranging from coastal heaths to subtropical rainforests.
Fraser Island has some 354 recorded bird species and a number of the island's birds are considered rare or vulnerable. Many birds, subject to international…

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Fraser Island has one of Australia's most rich and diverse fishing areas. The artificial reef is the largest in the southern hemisphere and was built…

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The dingoes of Fraser Island are one of the purest strains of dingo surviving in Australia today. Dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) are thought to have…

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Fraser Island is home to a diverse array of native terrestrial and water fauna. It is not uncommon to see a dingo loping along the…
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