K’gari Eco Code
Take with you only photographs and happy memories. Leave only footprints.
Protect native animals
Feeding, touching or approaching native animals can alter their patterns of behaviour, endangering them or yourself. No domestic animals are permitted on the island.
Be forest friendly
Show care for plants and trees. No plants can be removed or introduced to the island. Observe fire bans. Use fuel stoves in preference to burning island firewood. Use fireplaces and firewood provided. Only light fires in areas clear of vegetation. Campfires can quickly become wildfires, so never leave fires unattended and extinguish all fires when finished.
Keep on the track
To avoid damaging fragile flora and fauna, please keep to walking tracks and boardwalks. Only drive 4WD vehicles and keep to the designated roads and tracks to avoid erosion. Drive carefully adhering to normal road rules. Keep to the speed limits, 80km/h on the beach and 35km/h on the inland tracks.
Be dingo smart
K’gari dingoes are some of eastern Australia's last wild dingoes. Enjoy their beauty but keep your distance. For the wellbeing of dingoes and for your safety:
Never feed dingoes
Don't leave food scraps around
Keep fish and bait off the ground
Don't encourage a dingo’s attention
Always stay with your children
Watch dingoes quietly
Stay calm, don't excite them
Walk in small groups
Care for our waterways
Keep lakes and creeks clean by refraining from applying sunscreen or insect repellent until after swimming. The chemicals may alter water quality making it unfavourable to its inhabitants.
Remove rubbish
Litter is unattractive and harmful to wildlife. Dispose of all rubbish correctly, recycle where possible, use bins provided on the island or return refuse to the mainland. Don't bury rubbish.
Careful camping
Camp only at designated campsites. Be considerate of others. Leave your campsite clean. Avoid digging trenches around tents.
Respect our heritage
The island contains many significant spiritual and cultural heritage sites. Avoid behaviour that is damaging or offensive.